Wednesday 22nd April
Good Morning Group 6
Welcome to Wednesday!
Here are some activities to have a look at for today.
Morning Routine –
Movement– It’s Joe Wicks Wednesday!! You can use this workout today or log in live to get today’s new set of exercises.
Literacy – Laura has put some new activities on the Blog this week.
PE – Can you keep fit with Gerry and Pedro? Perhaps you can get your family to join in?
Story time– Today’s Dr Seuss story is Wacky Wednesday! I hope your Wednesday isn’t too wacky?
Story Challenges –
- How many ‘wacky’ things did you find in the story?
- Can you make a wacky picture or write about a wacky thing that has happened to you?
- Make the ‘wackiest’ funny faces you can in the mirror.
- Can you make some wacky things happen in your house? Maybe you can hide a sock in the tissue box, or hang up a shoe? Perhaps a chair is upside down, or a teddy is wearing some glasses? Maybe the books are the wrong way round or the bed is made upside down? Have fun thinking of wacky things to surprise your family!
Sign of the Week with Lorna
Art – Steve has some great characters for you to draw and colour this week.
Science – See what Sarah has in store for your today.
HWB – We have been learning about healthy food, including fruit and vegetables. Pick a vegetable or piece of fruit and make a wacky person. Look at the examples below. You could send me photo’s of your finished models to put on the Blog!