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Wednesday 22nd of April - Pink Class

Hi, what day is it today? It’s my favourite day of the week…..

Calendar –

Have a look at April on the calendar again.

April 2020 printable Calendars

How many Mondays are there in April?

How many days are left in April?

What is the last day in April?

What month comes after April?

Movement –

Check out the movement section or put on some of your favourite Go Noodle dances and teach them to someone in your family. Can you get your whole family moving?

Life Skills – 

Choose one of these jobs to do today:

Literacy –

Make some letters or words using a variety of materials e.g. paint, playdough or pipecleaners.

P.E. –

What does Pedro and Gerry suggest we do today to be active? Have a look!

Story –

David from Orange class found a story he thought we would enjoy as we are looking at birds just now. Let’s join Kipper the dog as he finds a nest.

Signs of the Day –

Pop over to see what signs Lorna is teaching us today.

Art –

Let’s try to use our hand and foot prints to make some birds. How colourful can your birds be?

Science – 

We have looked at the life cycle of a butterfly in class. Let’s now look at the life cycle of a bird.

Can you remember the cycle? Click on the link below to try.

life cycle of bird

HWB – 

Make your mental health a priority today – things are only getting harder the longer we spend at home.

Today I am going to have a looong bath, do some reading  (my favourite hobby!), sit in my garden and maybe cosy up and watch some Disney movies. Do something today that puts a smile on your face!

Challenge of the Day –

What could you do today to help our earth?

Have a fantastic, fun-filled day and stay safe Pink Class!



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