Wednesday 22nd April Orange Class
Good morning! Lets start the day in a fun way with the Singing Walrus
Followed by days of the week. Dance along!
Finally what’s the weather like today?
On Wednesdays we have Music with Gordon.
Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.
Activities (links below)
Hello song
- Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
- Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
- Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
- Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
- And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
- Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!
Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te
Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.
Time to move around or play your instrument
Chill and relax
Goodbye Song
Story Time: Lets listen to Rabbit’s Nap. Can you answer the questions below?
HWB Lets learn about Health Eating today!
Did that make you hungry? maybe its time for snack. Don’t forget to wash your hands!
Now how about some outdoor learning?
Today we are going to play I spy. Preferably outdoors, however not to worry if you can’t go out today, you can do this any day and as much as you like. Click on the link below to get started.
Time for some standing yoga. We would love to see some photo’s of your yoga poses too. Click the arrows below to follow the programme with photo examples.
Have fun!!
Time to relax
Have a lovely day.