Social Studies
Social Studies
Continuing with the Earth Day theme, this might be a good time to catch up with some geography games.
You can find lots of educational puzzles, quizzes and matching games on this website:
Alternatively, there are plenty of educational interactive activities to complete on this link:
You could try to choose activities based on the colours of the rainbow?
Or, simply spend some time on Google Maps looking up your favourite holiday places or landmarks.
Why not investigate some of the landmarks from the puzzle website mentioned above
– “World Landmarks Puzzles” or search for places from some of your last school topics:
Groups 3, 4, 5 – you could try to look for Roman buildings such as the Colosseum or a roman aqueduct.
Group 6 – you could look again for the Stone Age village of Skara Brae in Scotland.
Group 7 – you could look for all the different continents and oceans.
Groups 9, 11 – you could look at some famous landmarks in Spain such as the La Sagrada Familia or the Great Mosque of Cordoba.
Finally, a song to finish: