Wednesday 29th April
Good Morning Group 6
Hope you all managed to complete Nicci’s challenge yesterday?
Remember to send any photo’s you may have and I can put them on the Blog for you.
Morning Routine –
Movement – It’s Joe Wicks Wednesday! Tune in to get fit with the nation.
Go to Joe Wicks on youtube
Literacy– Laura has put some new posts on the Blog this week, you can pick an activity from there.
Or, if you wish you can try writing your name or some words you know using materials you can find in the garden or around the house.
PE– Have a look to see what Gerry and Pedro are up to today!
Story – The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
Story Challenges-
- What did Liam find up to the old broken down railroad?
- What did he decide to do?
- Write or draw your favourite thing about being outside in the garden.
- What do plants need to grow? Can you make a poster/picture to demonstrate this?
- Make your own tray garden, bring the outside in!
Sign of the Day with Lorna
Art – what is Steve drawing today?
Science with Sarah
HWB – We continue to keep our minds healthy today by doing something fun with the family! Can you make a ‘den’ in the house? You can use some old bed sheets. Find your favourite story or colouring book and snuggle up and have some ‘me time’
Have a great day!