Red class - Friday 8th of May
Good morning everyone,
I hope you will have a great day and will spend some time outside for some fresh air.
Use shaving foam and make patterns in it, use your pointy finger.
Go in the garden and see if you can find …
snack – how about something healthy, fruit maybe?
story –
sign of the day with Lorna
food activity – pasta salad from part 2 of the Pinewood Recipe Book
Time for lunch
sing along to number songs,
remember to check Connine and Gordon for more songs,
technology – IT – I bet you would like some time on the iPad or tablet! Remember to check under the IT section for more apps
check Gordon and Connie’s posts, there are lots of new songs to learn!
finish with relaxation,
I hope you had a nice day, have a nice weekend, and I will see you on Monday, Sophie X