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Orange Class Friday 8th May

Good morning!  Friday today and we all like Fridays!

Scroll down for Assembly with Tracey and Connie!

Don’t for get Reflection Time with Lorna.  Scroll down.

Now time for Morning Circle




Now for Maths – Just Numberjacks today!

Story Time!  Today it is the three little pigs.

I hope you enjoyed that story.  Can you answer the questions below?

Don’t forget sign of the day with Lorna – category sign of the day.

Time to get outside!

How did you get on?

Now some fiddly fingers fun!

For lunch today why not try making your own sandwich. Here are the instructions for a chicken mayo filling.  If you don’t like chicken how about some grated cheese?

Make sure you are helping around the house too.

You can go on a washing hunt around the house and find all the dirty washing.  You can then try sorting the washing into different colours!







Now Time for some relaxation.

I hope you have a good Friday!


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