Friday 15th of May
click on the top left photo to see all the photos.
Good morning and happy Friday!
ASSEMBLY WITH TRACEY – remember it’s with Healthy Harry. Check in the assembly posts to find the assembly for today.
what’s the weather like today? Find the photo.
an extra movement song, Callum loves this one!
life skills – why not revisit the signs for chores? How many jobs do you do?
language – making marks in sand or rice, paint or gloop (water and cornflour) or shaving foam
listen to more sounds from zoo animals
click on the link above
Healthy cafe today!
our story today is Topsy and Tim Go To The Zoo
sign of the day with Lorna – check in the sign of the day category
food technology –
remember to help tidy up
IT – technology: have a treat, use the iPad
music with Connie and Gordon
finish the day with some yoga (advice from OTs with CAMHS)
have a truly lovely weekend, Sophie