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Group 1 Measuring Activities

Group 1 have been enjoying taking part in different measuring tasks. We have been reading books about measurement discovering ancient measurement of length was based on the human body. Group 1 explored different types of measurements including lengths, mass and volumes. We spoke about the different units of measurements and had a scavenger hunt to find different packages with measurements on. We used the i pads to explore google maps finding out the distance to some of our favourite places or places we’d like to visit.  Fun was had using the trundle wheel outside and measuring rainfall in a beaker. The young people had fun making their own play dough counting cups. We then used our fraction work to try and split the play dough into equal parts using scales to see if we were accurate. One pupil used the play dough to help complete some equivalent fraction work. Fun was also had making numbers, letters and patterns with the play dough. We then used the measuring jug to make our own kinetic sand working hard to follow instructions and measure carefully.

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