Friday 24th of April
Good morning everyone, another beautiful day I hope.
Please remember to check Tracey’s assembly
1 good morning
2 life skills
3 literacy – if mummy or daddy draw a path on the ground, can you follow it from the beginning to the end?
remember to do your reflection sheet –
4 social studies – celebrate the planet, this is what David (art teacher) suggested we could do
Wednesday marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the annual celebration of the environmental movement. Below are some examples of Art work that you may like to create at home.
Why not get some green and blue paint and dip a balloon into it and press it down to create a pattern of the Earth:
Some Earth pictures using paint and bubble wrap
Creating World Earth Day Art using your hand and foot prints
5 story – listen to Dear Zoo read by Justin Fletcher
6 sign of the day – check Lorna’s sign of the day
7 food technology – can you make a muffin pizza for lunch?
8 technology
9 music – check Gordon and Connie’s post
You could finish the day with Nicole’s story massage
Have a lovely weekend, Sophie