Monday 27th of April - Pink Class
Good morning Pink Class! I wonder what fun we will have this week!
What day is it?
Calendar –
So it’s Monday 27th of April! What day will it be tomorrow? What day was it yesterday?
How many days are left in April now? Let’s look and see.
Movement –
Let’s get moving. What does Pedro or Gerry suggest we do today?
Life Skills –
Choose 3 jobs you could do today to help around the house.
Maths –
Go on an environmental number hunt.
Numbers are everywhere! On your walk today, how many numbers can you spot?
Have a look at traffic signs, lampposts, doors, bus numbers, number plates. Where else do numbers appear in your local area?
P.E. –
I wonder what Pedro and Gerry have planned today. Have a look at the P.E. section to find out.
Story –
We are looking at plants this week. I love this story about a little seed and how far it travels.
Signs of the Day –
What signs will be learning from Lorna today? Have a look at this section to find out.
Art –
On your walk today take some paper and some crayons or pencils.
Look for some trees with different barks.
Use your crayon to make some rubbings.
Can you see the different textures of tree bark?
Outdoor Learning –
Go on a seed scavenger hunt.
Look closely at the trees and plants in your garden or when you are out on your walk.
Can you find any seeds? What colours are the seeds? How big are the seeds?
Take your seeds home for further activities this week.
Seeds we eat – cut open some fruit or vegetables, can you find the seeds?
Some fruits and vegetables have the seeds on the inside e.g. apples, pears and some have the seeds on the outside e.g. strawberries. Where are the seeds that you find?
Challenge of the Day –
Give someone in your family a big hug – hugging someone close has very positive effects on our body and makes us feel good. Do it every day this week to get maximum effect.