Orange Class Wednesday 29th April
Hello everyone. It’s David again!
Let’s start the day with our morning circle.
Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!
On Wednesday mornings we have Music with Gordon. Go to Categories and select music and scroll down. It is Music with Gordon 27 April: Primary.
It seems a long time ago but on Wednesdays we have swimming with Graeme. Well we can’t go swimming at the moment but some of you might remember that when we were learning about Finding Dory I brought in a Wii game for us all to play – Endless Ocean. Have a look below and swim in the Ocean (skip to 48 seconds).
I hope you enjoyed that.
Topic: Over the next few days we are going to be learning about Animals and Zoos.
Edinburgh Zoo has live webcams of some of their animals that you can watch
If you watch any of the cams, let me know which animals were your favourites?
Chester Zoo has been broadcasting a series of Live events on Fridays at 10.00 am from their facebook page and videos have been recorded that you can watch of these live shows.
What animals have they shown on their Live events? Do you recognise any of them?
Would you like to make a zoo to play with at home?
Time for some outdoor learning. Lots of things to see and do when you are outside!
Time for some maths.
Lets work on our numbers to 5. Join in with Jack and shout out the number when you know it.
Play Top marks Teddy Numbers. Choose up to 5, then try up to 10, or up to 15 if you can!
Can you find 5 cars, 5 pencils, and 5 spoons in your house?
Don’t forget our Orange Class Challenge. It’s made by Fiona this week (Tag Orange Class Challenge). Have a go and let us know how you get on!
Time for some relaxation.
Have a great day !