Gold Class Friday 8th May
Good morning Gold class. Lots of activities for you to enjoy to day.
2. Literacy: Messy writing. Can you make a messy tray with shaving foam or sand and practice writing the following words :
at, bat, cat, an, can, man, as, has, bad, dad, had, sad.
3.Social Studies
4 Story: In today’s story we are going to keep with our safari theme. For another South African story why don’t you have a look at Jock of the Bushveld. There was a movie made of him too called Hero Dog.
5. Sign of the day: Head to the the section to find out what signs you will be learning today.
6. Food Technology: Try making this delicious South African treat called Cremora Tart. Click on the picture to enlarge
7. ICT/ Technology
8. Music: Head over to the music section to see what has been planned. Also here is some traditional South African Music to listen to. Do you like it?
That is all for today. Have a lovely weekend and pop back on Monday to see what has been planned for you.