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Gold Class, Monday 11th May

Good morning everyone. Have a look at what activities there are for you today.


2. Maths: Using coins to make amounts. If you have coins at home you can use them to help make the amounts in the activity.

3. PE: head over to the PE section to see what has been planned for you today.

4. Story:  today there are two stories – you can choose one or listen them both.

5. Sign of the Day: Head over to the the section on the Blog to see what signs you’re learning today.

6.Art: Go to the art section to see what activities are there for you to enjoy.

7.Outdoor learning: On your daily walk see if you can do this spring hunt with members of your family.

8. HWB: Can you design and make with food or playdough a healthy meal for your family to enjoy?

That is all for today. Pop back tomorrow to see what is planned for you.


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