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Orange Class Wednesday 13th May

Good morning.  Happy Wednesday!

It is time for our Morning Circle.


How about a little science experiment?

Shaving Foam Rain Clouds

You can easily make a sensory rain cloud experiment for your children at home with just shaving foam.

picture of shaving cream rain clouds

Supplies for Shaving Foam Rain Clouds

  1. A Glass or Jar
  2. Shaving Foam
  3. Water
  4. Food Colouring
  5. Dropper or Straw

How To Make Shaving Foam Rain Clouds

Fill your glass or jar 3/4 of the way full with water. Add shaving foam to the top. This is our fluffy cloud.

Mix a little blue food colouring with some water. Again, this is option, but it makes the rain much easier to see.

Have your child add drops of the blue water to the cloud. As the water gets heavier and heavier it will start to fall out of the cloud and make rain!

This is what happens with real clouds. The water droplets get heavier and heavier until they fall down as rain. Fun fact: The average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds!)

This activity works fine motor skills as your child manipulates the dropper or straw to add the droplets. You can also enjoy the sensory fun of playing with the clouds too.


Rachel has a new sensory dance Sway on the Blog.


Now it’s time for some maths



Which job will you choose today?



Time to get outdoors!


What about a story for today?

Did you manage to answer the questions?


Yoga time!


Finally, time for some relaxation……

I hope you enjoy your Wednesday.



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