Red class - Wednesday 13 of May
I am having problems with my laptop so there will not be anything fancy today, sorry everyone… click on the link and it will take you to the YouTube song
good morning song
days of the week song
song for the weather, slightly different!
choose the photo that is the best for today’s weather
life skills
language activities – can you identify the sounds?
check with Pedro for PE
snack – remember, it’s healthy Harry this week,
don’t forget to tidy up
the story today is …
sing of the day with Lorna. check her post
art with Steve and David, but just in case you want to use lots of paint and make a picture of a butterfly:
- 1.fold the paper
- 2.put some spots of paint on one half
- 3.paint with fingers
- 4.fold the paper, press together, open the paper and let it dry
- 5.draw a butterfly shape
- 6.cut out round your shape
science today is also what the orange class will be trying, if you click on the link it will direct to the Pinterest page.
Health and well being is so important, here’s a challenge for when you go for your walk today,
finish the day with a story massage from Nicole
and relaxation
I hope you have a fab day, Sophie