Orange Class Thursday 14th May
Good morning. We can have a lot of fun with bubbles and straws today so let’s get going!
On Thursdays we start the day with P.E. Please see Gerry and Pedro’s posts for a very special P.E. today – Sports day!
Now its time for the morning circle.
Don’t forget Lorna’s Sign of the Day – category sign of the day.
We also have Art with David Bennett on a Thursday. David has some super ideas for bubble art below and we know how much the Orange Class like bubbles!
Now, how about some maths? Have a shot at this. It is not as easy as it looks!
Today, lets sharpen up on our listening skills. Try to identify the animal sounds – it’s fun!
How about some movement? What about a class favourite? We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!
That was fun.
Story time!
Today’s story is ‘I don’t want to go to bed’. Group 5 had a look at this yesterday.
Where did the Little Princess end up sleeping?
Sensory fun!
Did you try it?
Finally, some relaxation. Follow the bubble……
Have a super Thursday!