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Orange Class - Wednesday 20th May

Good morning on a bright, sunny, soon to be warm Wednesday!

Lets kick things off with Morning Circle.


On Wednesday mornings we have music with Gordon.                                                                    Why not try making a magical musical circle?


Scroll down for Connie’s Music lesson for today or search category music.


Now for a Story.  Today we are going on a Kipper the Dog adventure to The Seaside.


What about an Art activity for your window?


Now time to get outside.  I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker yesterday.  Isn’t it great!


Which was your favourite?

Time for exercise.  Can you spell your name? You could do this outside!

Can you exercise to your name?

Lets do some jobs around the house

Which ones will you do?

Time for relaxation!


Have a lovely Wednesday.


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