Red class Thursday 21st of May
life skills – let’s do some jobs around the house, which one will you help with?
numeracy – listen to the counting songs
Please click on the link below to access the resources available to parents during the school closure. Please note they are not all free although this is a site which is very accessible for our pupils and certainly worth considering. Choose games and activities for the counting songs.
fiddly fingers
you could also try this if you want,
you will need a selection of different paints and some paint brushes
get an adult to help you dip a brush into paint then paint your hand.
press your hand down on the paper
make sure you wash your hands to get all the paint off
remember to help with washing your plate
story time
sign of the day – check on Lorna’s blog
music – lots of songs with Connie and Gordon
sensory play
dance – let’s see what Rachel has planned for today. I really miss seeing you dancing in the hall…
I hope you have a really good day! Sophie