Friday, 5th of June
Good morning!!
It’s time for Assembly – go to Assembly section and see the video Tracey has made for you.
– We start our circle time singing “hello – super simple songs”
What is the day today?
Can you tell me how does the weather look like today?
It’s news time – Remember, the focus of the week is “Being Healthy”. Please share photos of your healthy habits.
Here some of our favourite movement songs. You can use this ones or any other of your preference
Life skills – tidy up your rooom. Remember to put toys and games away after playing with it
Literacy – Use cereals or any other to write your name
Social Studies – It’s never too much remind you why is so important to wash your hands. Here is a little video about germs and bacterias.
STORY – It’s nearly Easter! Here’s a nice story for you to watch. Follow the link below.
Sign of the day – Don’t forget to be practicing the sign of the day – if you want to send me a video then feel free
ICT – You can go on your Ipad, tablet, mobile… and choose one of the games you like most. You don’t know what to choose from? If you go to ICT/ technology sections there’s some apps you can use.
Music – Go to the Music section and choose one of the activities that your Music teacher prepared for you. Have fun J
I hope you enjoy your day! Stay safe!